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Film location: Red Ox prison, Halle (S.)

Peoples' protest and State-brutalityof the GDR

The prison Red Ox turned under Nazi regime into a place of injustice and murder. Many of these human rights ignoring schemes continued long after world-war II under soviet rule and communist East-German reality.


Part of the prison Red Ox was turned into a memorial which presents historic exhibits and tells stories about injustice and prisoners fate. The great team of the memorial works hard to shed light into dark history. For many years they honor and cherish former inmates and present new facts enable positive spins. The redish and high prison walls are still there, but the memorial painted the site with confidence and awareness for a better future.

Directly infront of the prison walls thousands demonstrated in June 1953. The freeing of inmates failed and young protesters were killed by security forces. The agriculture student Gerhard Schmidt was murdered by bullets.

At the exact location of the filming of Albert Ammer and Jutta-Regina Lau, I present two pictures from their film. The courage and enthusiasm of the East German youth on June 17th 1953 needs to be applauded. 

Just few hours later, Albert Ammer will be thrown into a cell in the basement, exactly behind those prison walls. 


Here link to the novel "Alberts Bilder bleiben".

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